
Install Android Studio on Windows

  1. Download Android Studio
  2. The installation requires
  3. Install Android Studio
  4. Run Android Studio
  5. Installing Intel® HAXM
  6. Other Installations
  7. Write your first examples

1. Download Android Studio

2. The installation requires

You must ensure that your computer has installed Java version 7 or higher. Here, I have installed Java version 8:
If you have not installed Java, you can see the instructions at:

3. Install Android Studio

Select all options.
The Android SDK (software development kit) is a set of development tools used to develop applications for Android platform. The Android SDK includes the following:
  • Required libraries
  • Debugger
  • An emulator
  • Relevant documentation for the Android application program interfaces (APIs)
  • Sample source code
  • Tutorials for the Android OS
An Android Virtual Device (AVD) is a device configuration that is run with the Android emulator. It works with the emulator to provide a virtual device-specific environment in which to install and run Android apps.
Select the installation directory:
  • Android Studio Installation Location: D:\DevPrograms\Android\Android Studio
  • Android SDK Install Location: D:\DevPrograms\Android\sdk
You have successfully installed Android Studio.

4. Run Android Studio

At the first run, Android Studio asks you whether import settings of Android Studio verson that you may have installed in advance or not. You can select NO.
Selecting a theme that you like:
Setup Wizard mở ra một cửa sổ để bạn chọn các thành phần để bạn cập nhập, hoặc cài đặt thêm:
Performance (Intel® HAXM):
  • Enables a hardware-assisted virtualization engine (hypervisor) to speed up Android app emulation on your development computer. (Recommended)
Android Virtual Device
  • A preconfigured and optimized Android Virtual Device for app testing on the emulator. (Recommended)
Select the SDK folder that you installed in the previous step. The new SDK components will be updated to this directory.
If your computer is equipped with good hardware, the Android Emulator can run in Accelerated performance mode.

You can configure to specify the maximum amount of RAM for the Intel Hardware Accelerated Manager (HAXM). Recommended to 2GB.

Note: Setting aside a large memory reservation may cause other programs to run slowly when using the x86 Android emulator with HAXM.

5. Installing Intel® HAXM

When you run Android Studio for the first time, Android Studio requires you to install Intel @ HAXM, if you do not install it, you can install it following the instructions below:
Installing Intel® HAXM:

6. Other Installations

Basically, Android Studio was originally created to develop Android applications. However, according to the general trend like other IDE(s), it allows installing more Plugins to develop other applications such as Dart, Flutter,... Here are a few suggestions for you:

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