
Transfer domain registration to Amazon Route 53

  1. Transfer domain registration to Amazon Route 53
Let's assume that your domain name is registered with a provider other than Amazon Route 53. Now, you are thinking of transferring your domain name registration to Amazon Route 53, so you can:
  • Point your domain name to a static website hosted on Amazon S3.
  • Point your domain name to an Amazon CloudFront distribution.
Transferring your domain registration to Amazon Route 53 means that your domain will be managed by Amazon Route 53. You must pay Amazon an annual domain maintenance fee. Additionally, you also have to pay $0.50 per month to use their DNS service, which allows you to manage your domain records. Amazon Route 53's DNS service is not free but worth it, as it has very low query latency and fast propagation of changes.
Note: Some domain providers may stop DNS service immediately after you transfer your domain registration to another domain name provider. Therefore, to ensure your website is not interrupted, you should migrate DNS service to Amazon Route 53 before transferring domain registration.
In fact, if only to use the above Amazon AWS services, you can simply migrate DNS services to Amazon Route 53 instead of transferring your domain registration.

1. Transfer domain registration to Amazon Route 53

First, access Amazon Route 53:
Next, click on the "transfer your existing domains" link.
Or you can click on the link below:
Enter the domain name you want to transfer to Amazon Route 53, then click the "Check" button to check. Please ensure that the following conditions are satisfied:
  • Your domain name must be unlocked, and it must remain in this state until the transfer is successful.
To ensure that the transfer process of domain name registration does not interrupt the operation of the website, you should migrate DNS service to Amazon Route 53 before transferring domain name registration.
Enter the "Authorization code" that you obtained from your domain provider. This code allows the transfer of domain name registration.
Normally, transferring a domain name takes about 1 week. If your domain name has never been used for a website, this process may only take 1 day.