Android TextView Tutorial with Examples
1. Android TextView
In Android, TextView is a user interface control, which is used to display text. It works like a label. By default, the user will not be able to edit the text content.

2. TextView Attributes
android:id | It is used to uniquely identify the control |
android:autoLink | It will automatically found and convert URL(s) and email addresses as clickable links. |
android:ems | It is used to make the TextView be exactly this many ems wide. |
android:hint | It is used to display the hint text when text is empty |
android:width | It makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels wide. |
android:height | It makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels tall. |
android:text | It is used to display the text. |
android:textColor | It is used to change the color of the text. |
android:gravity | It is used to specify how to align the text by the view's x and y-axis. |
android:maxWidth | It is used to make the TextView be at most this many pixels wide. |
android:minWidth | It is used to make the TextView be at least this many pixels wide. |
android:textSize | It is used to specify the size of the text. |
android:textStyle | It is used to change the style (bold, italic, bolditalic) of text. |
android:textAllCaps | It is used to present the text in all CAPS. |
android:typeface | It is used to specify the Typeface (normal, sans, serif, monospace) for the text. |
android:textColorHighlight | It is used to change the color of text selection highlight. |
android:textColorLink | It is used to change the text color of links. |
android:inputType | It is used to specify the type of text being placed in text fields. |
android:fontFamily | It is used to specify the fontFamily for the text. |
android:editable | If we set, it specifies that this TextView has an input method. |
This attribute tells Android to automatically generate links for phone numbers, addresses, email addresses and website addresses found in the TextView text.

Constant | Value | Description |
all | f | Match all patterns (equivalent to web|email|phone|map). |
email | 2 | Match email addresses. |
map | 8 | Match map addresses. |
none | 0 | Match no patterns (default). |
phone | 4 | Match phone numbers. |
web | 1 | Match Web URLs |
android:text="Contact: +1-1111222233,, 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018"
... />

Click on Phone Link.

Click on Email Link

Click on Web URL

Click on Address Link (Will open Google Map)
This attribute is used to specify a value for the width of the TextView in the EM measurement units. EM is a unit in Typography whose value is the width of the letter "M".
So, android:ems="5" means that it sets the width of the TextView to 5 times as much as the width of the letter "M".
Specifies the text content for TextView.
Specifies the text color for TextView.

Specifies the font size for the text.

Specifies a style for the font, which has four values:
- android:textStyle="normal" (Default)
- android:textStyle="bold"
- android:textStyle="italic"
- android:textStyle="bold|italic"

This attribute has two values, true/false. With the value of true, the TextView text will be in upper case when displayed. Its default value is false.
Sets the background color for the selected sub-text. This attribute comes in handy when you use EditText (a subclass of TextView). EditText permits the user to select and edit its text.

Specifies the font color for the links in the text. (See more about the android:autoLink attribute).

Specifies the font family for the TextView text.

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