Android FrameLayout Tutorial with Examples
1. Android FrameLayout
FrameLayout is a simple layout. It can contain one or more child View(s), and they can overlap each other. Therefore, the android:layout_gravity attribute is used to locate the child View(s).

In particular, FrameLayout has 9 gravity areas illustrated in the picture below. Note that they are imaginary areas, so it doesn't mean that the FrameLayout is physically divided into 9 parts.

When a View is added to the FrameLayout, by default, it will lie in the gravity of the "left|top". Take a look at the example below, I add 2 Button(s) to the FrameLayout, by default, they lie in the gravity of the "left|top" and you see that they are overlapping each other.

Use the android:layout_gravity attribute to adjust the button position.

The value of android:layout_gravity can be the combination of the following values:

Constant in Java | Value | Description |
Gravity.LEFT | left | |
Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | center_horizontal | |
Gravity.RIGHT | right | |
Gravity.TOP | top | |
Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL | center_vertical | |
Gravity.BOTTOM | bottom | |
Gravity.START | start | |
Gravity.END | end | |
Gravity.CENTER | center | |
Below is an illustration of using both a VideoView and a MediaController into a FrameLayout, which saves the application space and provides the user with a better experience.

2. Example of FrameLayout
In this example, I'm going to put an ImageView and two TextView(s) in a FrameLayout, then use the android:layout_gravity attribute to set their positions.
Example preview:

Show in Portraint screen

Show in Landscape screen
Awesome, now on Android Studio, create a project:
- File > New > New Project > Empty Activity
- Name: FrameLayoutExample
- Package name: org.o7planning.framelayoutexample
- Language: Java
Then find an image file:

After that, copy the file to the folder "drawable" of the project:

Next, design the application interface:

Later, set some constraints for the FrameLayout:

Now set some important attributes for the ImageView to make sure that it fully fills the FrameLayout.
* imageView *
app:srcCompat="@drawable/halong" />

And set the android:layout_gravity attribute for the TextView(s):

Finally set text, and textColor for the TextView(s):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
app:srcCompat="@drawable/halong" />
android:text="Halong Bay, Vietnam"
android:textColor="#FFFFFF" />
android:text="Photo by"
android:textColor="#FFFFFF" />
package org.o7planning.framelayoutexample;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Gravity;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
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