Javascript FocusEvent Tutorial with Examples
1. FocusEvent
FocusEvent is an interface that represents the events related to focus, namely, the 4 events such as focus, focusin, blur, focusout.

- Javascript UiEvent
Property | Description |
relatedTarget | Returns the element related to the element that triggered the event |
If you jump to an element and then jump outside (focus to another element), there will be 4 events that occur in sequence respectively:
- focus
- focusin
- blue
- focusout

The focus event occurs before focusin. In fact, they happen very close to each other, which can be considered as occurring at the same time. Similarly, the blur event occurs before focusout, iIn fact, they happen very close to each other, which can be considered as occurring at the same time.
The focus event occurs when you are in other place and jumps into an element, such as the <input> element to prepare to enter content for this element.
The blur event occurs when you jump out of an element (focus on another element).
<!DOCTYPE html>
function focusHandler(evt) {
function blurHandler(evt) {
function showLog(msg) {
var oldHtml= document.getElementById("log-div").innerHTML;
document.getElementById("log-div").innerHTML=oldHtml + " .. "+ msg;
<h3>Test events: focus, blur</h3>
<input type="text"
onblur="blurHandler(event)" />
<div id="log-div" style="padding:10px;border:1px solid #ccd;"></div>
2. focusin, focusout
The focus, blur events are designed for the elements are "focusable", for example, <input>, <textarea>,.. While the focusin, focusout events are designed for the elements that can contain other elements for example, <div>, <span>, <form>,..
focus vs focusin

Suppose you have a <form> with 2 <input> child elements. When an user jumps into one of the <input> elements then the focus event will occur. The focus event at the child element will create the focusin event at the parent elements. Thus this focusin event will occur at the <form> element. Note: Although the focusin event occurs on the parent element, but returns the child element (The element that fires the focus event).
blur vs focusout

Suppose you have a <form> with 2 <input> child elements. When an user jumps out of the <input> element, the blur event will happen.The blur event at the child element will create the focusout event at the parent elements. Thus this focusout event will occur at the <form> element. Note: Although the focusout event occurs on the parent element, but returns the child element (The element that fires the blur event).
Example: focusin & focusout
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src="focusin-focusout-example.js"></script>
form {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 10px;
display: inline-block;
<h3>Events: focusin & focusout</h3>
<p>Focus to 'input' and Blur to it</p>
<form onfocusin="focusinHandler(event)" onfocusout="focusoutHandler(event)">
User Name
<input type="text" name="username" />
<br> Email
<input type="text" name="email" />
function focusinHandler(evt) {
// <input>"1px solid blue";
// <form>"1px solid red";
function focusoutHandler(evt) {
// <input>"1px solid black";
// <form>"1px solid black";
Do you have problem with onfocusout (???)
For the <input>, <textarea>,.. elements, you need only to handle the focus, blur events. The onfocusout attribute doesn't work with this element on some browsers (I have checked this problem on the Firefox, Chrome browsers).
<input type="text"
<!DOCTYPE html>
function focusHandler(evt) {
function focusinHandler(evt) {
function focusoutHandler(evt) {
function blurHandler(evt) {
function showLog(msg) {
var oldHtml= document.getElementById("log-div").innerHTML;
document.getElementById("log-div").innerHTML=oldHtml + " .. "+ msg;
<h3>Why does the 'onfocusout' attribute not work with 'input'?</h3>
<input type="text"
onforcusout="focusoutHandler(event)" />
<div id="log-div" style="padding:10px;border:1px solid #ccd;"></div>
Althought the onfocusout attribute doesn't work with the <input>, <textarea>,.. elements on some browsers. But, if desiring, you can still register the focusout event for them in the following way:
// Javascript Code:
var myInput = document.getElementById("my-input");
myInput.addEventListener("focus", focusHandler);
myInput.addEventListener("focusin", focusinHandler);
myInput.addEventListener("focusout", focusoutHandler);
myInput.addEventListener("blur", blurHandler);
See full example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<h3>Test events: focus, focusin, focusout, blur</h3>
<input id="my-input" type="text" />
<div id="log-div" style="padding:10px;border:1px solid #ccd;"></div>
<script src="focusevents-addEventListener-example.js"></script>
function focusHandler(evt) {
function focusinHandler(evt) {
function focusoutHandler(evt) {
function blurHandler(evt) {
function showLog(msg) {
var oldHtml= document.getElementById("log-div").innerHTML;
document.getElementById("log-div").innerHTML=oldHtml + " .. "+ msg;
// Javascript Code:
var myInput = document.getElementById("my-input");
myInput.addEventListener("focus", focusHandler);
myInput.addEventListener("focusin", focusinHandler);
myInput.addEventListener("focusout", focusoutHandler);
myInput.addEventListener("blur", blurHandler);
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