
Quickstart with Javascript

  1. The objective of the lesson
  2. Write Javascript in HTML
  3. Write Javascript in a separate file  

1. The objective of the lesson

Javascript vs ECMAScript
Javascript and ECMAScript are two different names, but they have a very close relationship with each other. Javascript itself is a language developed according to the standards defined by ECMAScript. That's reason why the topics of JavaScript and ECMAScript are put alternately by us.
If you are a beginner with Javascript, I recommend that you read the following post to understand this relationship more:
Javascript is a programming language. Javascript code snippets embedded in HTML help the website be able to interact with users.
The following example is an HTML page with a <img src = "light-off.gif"> tag showing a light that is off. Javascript can change the value of the src (<img src="light-on.gif">) attribute to replace the old image with a new image- the image of the light which is on.
The objective of this lesson is to help you understand how to embed JavaScript into HTML and practise with a few simple examples. All these examples aim at only helping you get familiar with Javascript before going to more detailed topics.

2. Write Javascript in HTML

Javascript code can be written inside HTML, specifically it is written inside the <script></script> tag:
The <script> tags can be placed into the <head> tag or into the <body> tag. First of all, let's look at a simple following example:
Create a helloworld.html file with the content:
<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Hello Javascript</title>

      <script type = "text/javascript">

         function sayHello()  {
             alert("Hello Everyone!");


      <button onclick="sayHello()">Click me!</button>

Run the helloworld.html file on browser and see the result:
In the above example, in the <script></script> tag, I create the sayHello() function. When the user clicks Button, the sayHello() function is called, and it displays a dialog with "Hello Everyone!" content. Don't worry if you don't know what the function is, temporarily ignore that.

3. Write Javascript in a separate file  

Write Javascript code in a separate file, and then HTML will import this file to use. This is the way that helps you manage your Javascript code better, and Javascript file can be shared for many HTML files.
Javascript code is written in a file with extension such as js. The HTML files will import the aforesaid Javascript file to use.
Next is an example with the light. In this example we need 4 files:
function turnLightOn()  {
  var img = document.getElementById("myImage");
  img.src = "light-on.gif";

function turnLightOff()  {
  var img = document.getElementById("myImage");
  img.src = "light-off.gif";
<!DOCTYPE html>

      <script type="text/javascript" src="light.js"></script>
      <h2>What Can JavaScript Do?</h2>
      <p>JavaScript can change HTML attribute values.</p>
      <p>In this case JavaScript changes the value of the src (source) attribute of an image.</p>

      <button onclick="turnLightOn()">Turn on the light</button>
      <img id="myImage" src="light-off.gif" style="width:100px">
      <button onclick="turnLightOff()">Turn off the light</button>

ECMAScript, Javascript Tutorials

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