
Transfer files between computers using Cyberduck on Mac OS

  1. What is Cyberduck?
  2. Download Cyberduck
  3. How to use Cyberduck

1. What is Cyberduck?

Cyberduck is a free, open-source program that allows you to transfer files between Mac OS and another computer. It supports several file transfer protocols, most notably SFTP over SSH. The tool allows you to transfer files between computers securely.
Note: Cyberduck supports both Windows and Mac OS operating systems. It has the same features as WinSCP (A file transfer program written for Windows).
With Cyberduck, you can transfer files from Mac OS to any "X" computer via SFTP protocol as long as "X" has SSH Server installed. Cyberduck is a fantastic choice to transfer files from Mac OS to Linux (Ubuntu,...) and vice versa, because most Linux servers come with SSH Server pre-installed.

2. Download Cyberduck

You can easily get Cyberduck from the App Store of Mac OS or download it from the following link:
After downloading it successfully, you will have a ZIP file. Extract it to any folder and you can use it without installation.

3. How to use Cyberduck

Firstly, open Cyberduck, then right click on the Cybeduck icon on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen and choose "New Browser". A window will open that allows you to manage and add other servers:
After that, click the (+) button at the bottom left of the Cyberduck window in order to add a new server to the list.
Enter the IP address, User, Password, ...
Later, double click a server available on the list to connect to it.
The window will open showing you the folder structure of the server that you are connecting to. Now to transfer files, simply drag and drop files between windows.

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