
Understanding Generic Font Family Names in CSS

  1. Generic Font Families
  2. Serif
  3. Sans Serif
  4. Monospace
  5. Cursive
  6. Fantasy
  7. System-ui

1. Generic Font Families

In website design, choosing an appropriate font is vitally important and contributes significantly to the success of the website. The user uses their browser and accesses your website, the font the website desires may not be available on the user's computer, or the font data source does not exist. Therefore, in website designing, you need to declare a few fallback fonts. Remember that the fonts at the top of the list will have a higher priority.
Take a look at the following code:
body {
    font-family: Arial, Roboto, "Times New Roman";
The above CSS code means: The <body> element will prefer using the Arial font, while Roboto and "Times New Roman" fonts are fallback fonts.
Font family name
The term, "Font family name", refers to the name of a specific set of fonts, such as Arial, Roboto, "Times New Roman", etc.
Generic font family name
The term "Generic font family name" refers to the name of a group of font families that look similar, CSS relies on the characteristics of the fonts to classify them. Here is a list of some common "Generic font family":
  • serif
  • sans-serif
  • monospace
  • cursive
  • fantasy
  • system-ui
  • emoji
  • math
  • fangsong
"Generic Font Family" is a fallback mechanism, which is used when the website designers only concern about the features of the fonts without specifying a particular font name. Thus, when displaying text, the browsers will find a suitable font available on the users' computers to use.
Let's see a code:
body {
    font-family: "MS Georgia", serif;
The above CSS code means: The <body> element prefers using the font of "MS Georgia". If the "MS Georgia" font is not available on the user's computer, the browser will use a font which is a member of the "generic font family" Serif as an alternative.
There are many fonts that are members of the Serif group that browsers can use, for example:
Latin fonts
Times New Roman, Bodoni, Garamond, Minion Web, ITC Stone Serif, MS Georgia, Bitstream Cyberbit
Greek fonts
Bitstream Cyberbit
Cyrillic fonts
Adobe Minion Cyrillic, Excelsior Cyrillic Upright, Monotype Albion 70, Bitstream Cyberbit, ER Bukinist
Hebrew fonts
New Peninim, Raanana, Bitstream Cyberbit
Japanese fonts
Ryumin Light-KL, Kyokasho ICA, Futo Min A101
Arabic fonts
Bitstream Cyberbit
Cherokee fonts
Lo Cicero Cherokee
There are quite many "generic font families", but only the first 3 groups of fonts are widely supported.
The following example allows you to view "generic font families" directly. Note that the first 3 font groups are widely supported, other font groups may not be available on your computer, which you fail to see them correctly.

2. Serif

Characteristics of the Serif font are: The strokes of the character may have a small stroke attached to its end. The small strokes are used to decorate the larger strokes, which are also called serifs.
Some common fonts of the Serif group:
Latin fonts
Times New Roman, Bodoni, Garamond, Minion Web, ITC Stone Serif, MS Georgia, Bitstream Cyberbit
Greek fonts
Bitstream Cyberbit
Cyrillic fonts
Adobe Minion Cyrillic, Excelsior Cyrillic Upright, Monotype Albion 70, Bitstream Cyberbit, ER Bukinist
Hebrew fonts
New Peninim, Raanana, Bitstream Cyberbit
Japanese fonts
Ryumin Light-KL, Kyokasho ICA, Futo Min A101
Arabic fonts
Bitstream Cyberbit
Cherokee fonts
Lo Cicero Cherokee
If you are interested in Serif fonts, consider downloading and using the following fonts. They are stunning and free.
To search for other Serif fonts, click here:

3. Sans Serif

"Sans" is a French word which means "Without" in English. Therefore, "Sans Serif" refers to "Without Sarif". Now can you guess what the "Sans Serif" fonts look like?
.element  {
     font-family: sans-serif;
Some common fonts of the Sans Serif group:
Latin fonts
MS Trebuchet, ITC Avant Garde Gothic, MS Arial, MS Verdana, Univers, Futura, ITC Stone Sans, Gill Sans, Akzidenz Grotesk, Helvetica
Greek fonts
Attika, Typiko New Era, MS Tahoma, Monotype Gill Sans 571, Helvetica Greek
Cyrillic fonts
Helvetica Cyrillic, ER Univers, Lucida Sans Unicode, Bastion
Hebrew fonts
Arial Hebrew, MS Tahoma
Japanese fonts
Shin Go, Heisei Kaku Gothic W5
Arabic fonts
MS Tahoma

4. Monospace

A single criterion of Monospace fonts is that all the glyphs have the same fixed width.
Some common fonts of the Monospace group:
Latin fonts
Courier, MS Courier New, Prestige, Everson Mono
Greek Fonts
MS Courier New, Everson Mono
Cyrillic fonts
ER Kurier, Everson Mono
Japanese fonts
Osaka Monospaced
Cherokee fonts
Everson Mono

5. Cursive

Cursive is a generic name for fonts which two consecutive characters are usually connected by a stroke. The text using the Cursive font is more likely to be written by humans rather than a printed publication.
Some common fonts of the Cursive group:
Latin fonts
Caflisch Script, Adobe Poetica, Sanvito, Ex Ponto, Snell Roundhand, Zapf-Chancery
Cyrillic fonts
ER Architekt
Hebrew fonts
Arabic fonts
DecoType Naskh, Monotype Urdu 507

6. Fantasy

It is difficult to give a definition of the Fantasy fonts. However, one feature of these fonts is that they are extraordinary, impromptu and harder to read than any other Cursive fonts.

7. System-ui

Every operating system has a great default font which is called the System UI Font.
  • Windows operating system uses the Segoe UI font.
  • Macintosh operating system uses the San Francisco font.
  • ...
A website that uses the default font of the system (operating system) will have a significant advantage in terms of efficiency and speed, simultaneously reduce the size of your website.
Another benefit of the system fonts is to make your website completely familiar to users, because it applies the same font that the operating system of the user is using.
It is extremely easy to use the system fonts for your website:
body {
  font-family: system-ui;
There are some well-known websites which use the system fonts, for instance: