
Install Atom Runner

  1. What is Atom Runner?
  2. Install Atom Runner
  3. Usage

1. What is Atom Runner?

Atom Runner means a plugin that allows you to run several kinds of script files directly on Atom. At present, this plugin supports JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, Python, Go, Bash, PowerShell. But you can add to other types.

2. Install Atom Runner

Installing the Atom Runner is very simple, you need to open only CMD window and execute the following command:
# CD to C:\Users\{your-user}\AppData\Local\atom\bin

CD C:\Users\win7\AppData\Local\atom\bin

# Install Atom Runner

apm install atom-runner

3. Usage

To run a file (being selected) directly on the Atom you need to press the key combination:
Mac OS
Ctrl + R
Alt + R
Alt + R
To run the selected text (highlighted), press the key combination:
Mac OS
Ctrl + Shift + R
Alt + Shift + R
Alt + Shift + R
Press Ctrl+Shift+C to kill all the processes which are running
Press Escape to close Runner Window.