
Install Ruby Development Tools for Eclipse

  1. Install Eclipse
  2. Install Ruby Plugin into Eclipse
  3. Check after installation

1. Install Eclipse

First make sure that you have installed Eclipse, this is an IDE to program Java, but it also is an IDE to program Ruby if you install a plugin that support programming Ruby, if you haven't installed Eclipse see the instructions at:

2. Install Ruby Plugin into Eclipse

After installing Eclipse, open Eclipse to install Ruby plugin, this can help you program Ruby on the Eclipse
In Eclipse select:
  • Help/Install New Software...
  • Name: DLTK
  • Location: http://download.eclipse.org/technology/dltk/updates/
Type "Ruby" to filter the results displayed, check to select the lastest Ruby Plugin to install.
After installating, you need to restart Eclipse.

3. Check after installation

Above you have installed Ruby Plugin into Eclipse, and now you need some checks.
In Eclipse select:
  • File/New/Other...
If you see Ruby Wizard, it means that you have installed successfully Ruby Plugin on Eclipse.