
Install C/C++ Development Tooling for Eclipse

  1. What is CDT?
  2. Install CDT into Eclipse
  3. Configuring C/C ++ on Eclipse
  4. C Tutorial for Beginners

1. What is CDT?

CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling) is an plugin installed to Eclipse IDE to program C/C ++ application.

2. Install CDT into Eclipse

If you are using Eclipse package other than Eclipse IDE for C/C ++ Developers, you need to add add an extension plugin to the current Eclipse to program with C/C ++

That is the CDT (C Development Tool)
If you are using Eclipse IDE package for C/C ++ Developers you can ignore this document.
Go to URL:
In Eclipse select:
  • Help/Install new Software...
  • Name: CDT for Eclipse OXYGEN
  • Location: http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/9.3/
After installation is complete, you need to restart Eclipse.

3. Configuring C/C ++ on Eclipse

In Eclipse select:
  • Window/References
  • C/C++ > New C/C++ Project Wizad > Makefile Project
  • Set it to Windows PE Parser if you are on Windows.
  • Set it to Cygwin PE Parser if you are using Cygwin
Configuring the PATH environment variable:
Append to the end of PATH environment variable:
  • ;C:\MinGW\bin

4. C Tutorial for Beginners

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