
Install Ruby on Windows

  1. Download Ruby
  2. Installing Ruby
  3. Check after installation
  4. Install Ruby Plugin into Eclipse
  5. Quick Learning Ruby for beginners

1. Download Ruby

To download Ruby, you access to address:
Select the latest version, now the latest version is 2.2.4,note that you need to check your operating system before downloading, here I downloaded version for 64-bit operating system.
Download results:

2. Installing Ruby

  • Add Ruby executables to your PATH
This makes it possible to run Ruby from anywhere open CMD.
The installation of Ruby has completed.

3. Check after installation

Open CMD and enter:
ruby -v
OK, Ruby has been successfully installed.

4. Install Ruby Plugin into Eclipse

To Ruby programming, you need to have an IDE. Eclipse is an IDE, it is a tool for Java programming, but it can also be used for Ruby programming, if you install a Ruby plugin, you can see the guide "Install Ruby plugin into Eclipse" at:

5. Quick Learning Ruby for beginners

See more:
  • Ruby Tutorial for Beginners