
Create DigitalOcean Spaces Bucket

  1. Create a Spaces Bucket
  2. Upload file to Spaces Bucket

1. Create a Spaces Bucket

First, login to DigitalOcean:
After successfully logging in, click the "Create" button in the upper right corner and select "Spaces Object Storage":
Select a data center and name your Spaces Bucket. Note, the name of the Spaces Bucket is unique to all users, so you should give it a name that is related to one of your domains, for example:
  • static-mydomain-com
  • s1-mydomain-com
The name of the Spaces Bucket should not contain a dot because it causes SSL error messages when you try to access the file directly in the browser. The reason is that "digitaloceanspaces.com" only supports SSL for 1st and 2nd level subdomains.
Very quickly and easily, a Spaces Bucket was created.

2. Upload file to Spaces Bucket

After successfully creating a Spaces Bucket, you can upload your files directly or through tools like S3CMD or Awssdk S3 Rest API.
For example, here I have uploaded a few files directly.
By default files are placed in "private" mode.
To be able to access certain files directly in your browser, you need to switch it to "public" mode.
And now you can access that file directly in the browser:
  • https://my-bucket-name.fra1.digitaloceanspaces.com/path/to/file