
Create AWS accessKeyId/secretAccessKey

  1. Create Access Key for AWS root user account
  2. Create Access Key for IAM user account
Access Key is long-term credentials for AWS root user account or IAM user account. When using AWS CLI or AWS API, Access Key is included in the request.
Access Key includes two parts: accessKeyId and secretAccessKey. Here are a sample pair of values:
  • secretAccessKey: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
  • Compare AWS root user account and IAM user account
In this article, I will guide you to create Access Key(s) for AWS root user accounts and IAM user accounts.

1. Create Access Key for AWS root user account

After successfully registering an AWS account, you can login to the AWS Console using the registered email address and password, which is the AWS root user account.
After successfully logging in, you can see the "Security Credentials" item in the Menu in the upper right corner of the browser.
Click the "Create Access Key" button:
An "Access Key" has just been created, please copy it and store it in a safe place. Note that the secretAccessKey value will not be displayed to you again after you leave this page. If you forget this value, you can just create a new "Access Key".

2. Create Access Key for IAM user account

On AWS Console, search for IAM service and access it.
You will see the number of IAM users that were previously created, click on it to see the details.
Click an IAM user account on the list.
Click "Create access key":
Enter a description for the "Access key" you are creating.
An "Access Key" has just been created, please copy it and store it in a safe place. Note that the secretAccessKey value will not be displayed to you again after you leave this page. If you forget this value, you can just create a new "Access Key".