
Dart dart_json_mapper Tutorial with Examples

  1. dart_json_mapper
  2. Install the library
  3. Example
  4. Appendix

1. dart_json_mapper

dart_json_mapper is a library that provides a better solution than dart:convert for working with JSON data. It is suitable for applications with complex JSON models. However, to use it you need a few configuration steps. For small applications you should use the dart:convert library - it's simple and doesn't need any additional configuration.
The dart_json_mapper library inspired by json2typescript, serde, gson, feature parity with Java Jackson is very popular and has only four Annotations to remember to cover all possible use cases.
dart_json_mapper vs json_serializable
json_serializable is a better JSON handling library than dart:convert. However, it is only a semi-automatic library, and cannot be compared with the features that dart_json_mapper offers.
  • Dart json serializable

2. Install the library

To use the dart_json_mapper library, you need to declare it in the pubspec.yaml file:


3. Example

First, add the build.yaml file to your project. This is the configuration file, used to instruct build_runner to generate new source code files from the specified source code files.
          # here should be listed entry point files having 'void main()' function
          - lib/model/model.dart

      # This part is needed to tell original reflectable builder to stay away
      # it overrides default options for reflectable builder to an **empty** set of files
          - no/files
Next, create the Model classes:
dart_14139_dart_json_mapper (Your Project Name)
  - lib
      - model
           - model.dart
           - model_file1.dart
           - model_file2.dart
This annotation is used for a class. The dart_json_mapper library will generate code to convert objects of this class to JSON and vice versa.
This Annotation is an option, used for class properties. It specifies the JSON property name that corresponds to a class property name if they are different.
class Employee {
  @JsonProperty(name: 'employeeName') // JSON Property
  String name; // Dart Property 
  String email;
class Employee { 
  @JsonProperty(ignore: true)
  String? privateEmail; // This property will be Ignored.
Use @JsonProperty(ignore:true) for a property to ignore it.
model_file1.dart: Contains the Contact and Employee classes, with rules for converting them to JSON structures and vice versa.
part of 'model.dart';

class Contact {
  String address;
  String phone;

  Contact(this.address, this.phone); // Constructor

class Employee {
  @JsonProperty(name: 'employeeName') // JSON Property Name!!
  String name; // Dart Property Name
  String email;
  Contact contact;

  @JsonProperty(ignore: true) 
  String? privateEmail; // This property will be Ignored.

  Employee(this.name, this.email, this.contact); // Constructor
model_file2.dart: Contains the Company class, with rules for converting it to JSON structures and vice versa.
part of 'model.dart';

class Company {
  @JsonProperty(name: 'companyName') // JSON Property Name
  String name; // Dart Property Name
  Contact contact;

  Company(this.name, this.contact); // Constructor
  • The part and part of keywords in Dart
import 'package:dart_json_mapper/dart_json_mapper.dart';

part 'model_file1.dart';
part 'model_file2.dart';

// This main() function is required!
void main() {
  // Empty
Open a Terminal window on the IDE:
  • View > Terminal (Visual Studio Code)
  • View > Tool Windows > Terminal (Android Studio)
Execute the command below to make dart_json_mapper generate extension code for Model classes.
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
See the appendix at the end of the article if you receive an error when trying to run this command:
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
[INFO] Generating build script completed, took 415ms
[INFO] Reading cached asset graph completed, took 144ms
[INFO] Checking for updates since last build completed, took 768ms
[INFO] Running build completed, took 3.7s
[INFO] Caching finalized dependency graph completed, took 83ms
[INFO] Succeeded after 3.8s with 31 outputs (61 actions)
The tool generates you a Dart file. If there are any changes on the Model classes, run the above command again.
  • model.mapper.g.dart
Dart object ==> JSON:
This example shows you how to convert a Dart object to JSON text:
import 'package:dart_json_mapper/dart_json_mapper.dart';

import 'model/model.dart';
import 'model/model.mapper.g.dart';

void main() {
  initializeJsonMapper(); // <-----------------------

  var contact = Contact('Address 1', '12345');
  var employee = Employee('John Smith', 'john@example.com', contact);

  var jsonString = JsonMapper.toJson(employee);

  print(' --------------------------- ');

  contact = Contact('Address 1', '99999');
  var company = Company('Google', contact);
  jsonString = JsonMapper.toJson(company);

 "employeeName": "John Smith",
 "email": "john@example.com",
 "contact": {
  "address": "Address 1",
  "phone": "12345"
 "companyName": "Google",
 "contact": {
  "address": "Address 1",
  "phone": "99999"
JSON ==> Dart object:
Next is an example that converts a JSON text to a Dart object:
import 'package:dart_json_mapper/dart_json_mapper.dart';

import 'model/model.dart';
import 'model/model.mapper.g.dart';

void main() {
  initializeJsonMapper(); // <-----------------------

  var jsonString1 = '''{
      "employeeName": "John Smith",
      "email": "john@example.com",
      "contact": {
        "address": "Address 1",
        "phone": "12345"

  // May be null:
  var employee = JsonMapper.fromJson<Employee>(jsonString1);
  print('Employee Phone: ${employee!.contact.phone}');

  print(' --------------------------- ');

  var jsonString2 = '''{
    "companyName": "Google",
    "contact": {
      "address": "Address 1",
      "phone": "99999"
  // May be null:
  var company = JsonMapper.fromJson<Company>(jsonString2);
  print('Company Phone: ${company!.contact.phone}');
Employee Phone: 12345
Company Phone: 99999
Map<String,dynamic> ==> Dart object:
import 'package:dart_json_mapper/dart_json_mapper.dart';

import 'model/model.dart';
import 'model/model.mapper.g.dart';

void main() {
  initializeJsonMapper(); // <-----------------------

  Map<String, dynamic> map1 = {
    "employeeName": "John Smith",
    "email": "john@example.com",
    "contact": {"address": "Address 1", "phone": "12345"}

  // May be null:
  var employee = JsonMapper.fromMap<Employee>(map1);
  print('Employee Phone: ${employee!.contact.phone}');

  print(' --------------------------- ');

  Map<String, dynamic> map2 = {
    "companyName": "Google",
    "contact": {"address": "Address 1", "phone": "99999"}
  // May be null:
  var company = JsonMapper.fromMap<Company>(map2);
  print('Company Phone: ${company!.contact.phone}');
Employee Phone: 12345
Company Phone: 99999

4. Appendix

dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
If you receive an error when trying to run the above command, try the solution below:
If your project is DART:
  • File > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Dart > Dart SDK path (Windows/Linux)
  • Android Studio > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Dart > Dart SDK path (Mac)
/Volumes/Apps/Apps/dart-sdk/bin/dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
If your project is FLUTTER:
/Volumes/Apps/Apps/flutter/bin/dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs