
Creating and Managing Oracle Wallet

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Oracle Wallet?
  3. Wallet in Oracle 11g, 12c
  4. Wallet in Oracle 10g
  5. Add database login credentials to an existing client wallet (10g,11g,12c)

1. Introduction

This document is based on:
  • Oracle 11g (OK for 12c)

2. What is Oracle Wallet?

Oracle Wallet as a way to store the connection information to the database across multiple domains. The table below illustrates that a wallet containing content.
DB Connection String
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myserver1)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = db11g)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myserver2)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = db12c)
Thus Wallet containing the credentials so that you can access a certain database. When information about this database change, you can update the wallet. Your application can use the credentials on the Wallet to access a database instead of manually managing information.

3. Wallet in Oracle 11g, 12c

Creating and Managing Wallet (11g, 12c)
You must open CMD as Administrator.
CD to BIN directory of Oracle:
Wallets can be copied to different machines, which can represent a security risk. In 11g Release 2, you can prevent the auto login functionality of the wallet from working if it is copied to another machine by creating a local wallet using the "orapki" command, instead of the "mkstore" command.
Creating wallet with "orapki" command:
# wallet_location is the path to the directory where you want to create and store the wallet.

orapki wallet create -wallet <wallet_location> -pwd <password> -auto_login_local

# Example:

orapki wallet create -wallet C:/DevPrograms/mywallet -pwd mysecret1 -auto_login_local
Wallet was created, it consists of two files cwallet.sso & ewallet.p12
Display Wallet Information (11g,12c)
Display wallet info:
# Syntax:

orapki wallet display -wallet <wallet-location>

# Example:

orapki wallet display -wallet C:/DevPrograms/mywallet
Change Wallet Password (11g,12c)
# Syntax

orapki wallet change_pwd -wallet <wallet-location> -oldpwd <old password> -newpwd <new password>

# Example:

orapki wallet change_pwd -wallet C:/DevPrograms/mywallet -oldpwd mysecret1 -newpwd mysecret2

4. Wallet in Oracle 10g

Creating and Managing Wallet (10g)
You must open CMD as Administrator.
CD to BIN directory of Oracle:
Creating wallet:
# wallet_location is the path to the directory where you want to create and store the wallet.

mkstore -wrl <wallet_location> -create

# Example:

mkstore -wrl C:/DevPrograms/mywallet -create
Enter password for wallet:
Note: The password you entered may not meet the standard and you will receive an error message, such as entering a password less than 8 characters.
Re enter password: mysecret1
Wallet was created, it consists of two files cwallet.sso & ewallet.p12

5. Add database login credentials to an existing client wallet (10g,11g,12c)

mkstore -wrl <wallet_location> -createCredential <db_connect_string> <username> <password>
DB Connection String
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myserver1)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = db11g)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myserver2)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = db12c)
# <wallet_location>


# <db_connect_string>