Oracle APEX Master Details Tutorial with Examples
1. Master-Details Types
The lastest Oracle APEX version at present (18-10-2015) is 5.0.1, a pity of this version is that it still does not allow you to create 2 Tabular-Form on the same page. It means that you can't create Master & Details on the same page in which both of them are in Tabular-Form. However, Oracle APEX development team as promised that this limitation will be overcome in the upcoming version. And so you need to wait patiently. Now working with Master-Details you have 2 options:
- Master-Details, Master is Form and Details is Tabular-Form, edit on same page.
- Master-Details, Master is Form and Details is Table,edit Details on another page.
Master-Details with Master is form, details is Tabular-Form, edit on same page
Below slider imagine show you the website displays Master-Detail with Master in Form type, Details is Tabular-Form.You can easily create with the help of the Wizard.
Master-Details with Master is Form, details is Table, edit on another page
Below slider imagine show you the website displays Master-Detail with Master in Form type, Details is Table, create and modify records of Detail on another page. You can easily create with the help of the Wizard.
2. Create Master-Details with Wizard
Create Master-Details with the help of the Wizard

Select Master table is DEPT

Select detail table is EMP.

Wizard will ask you "Include master report?":
- If you choose Yes, Wizard will create page list of records of Master which displays in tabular form ((Just see) and a page contain Master in Form and Details in Tabular-Form.
- However, if you choose No, only one page will be created with the Master in Form and Details in Tabular-Form.

Master Page
Detail Page
- Page Number: 10
- Page Title: Master-Details (1)
- Region Title: DEPT
- Page Mode: Normal
Detail Page
- Page Number: 11
- Page Title: EMP

Master-Details has been created, you can test application.

You can modify the items displayed on the Tabular-Form into "Select List" or LOV, in Oracle Apex Tabular Form tutorial, I have guide specifically on this issue.
There are 2 pages which are created when you create a Master-Details by Wizard, as I mentioned above Oracle APEX does not allow you to create 2 Tabular-Form on the same page, at least for the current version (Oracle APEX 5.0.1), we hope that this limitation will be overcome in the next versions.

Oracle APEX Tutorials
- What is Oracle Application Express?
- Install Oracle Apex 5.0
- Install Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) for Oracle APEX
- Oracle APEX Tutorial for Beginners (APEX 5.0)
- Oracle APEX Tabular Form Tutorial with Examples
- Oracle APEX Master Details Tutorial with Examples
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