
Swift Closures Tutorial with Examples

  1. What is Closure?
  2. Function vs Closure
  3. Anonymous Closure
  4. Implicit Return Values
  5. Closure in a function

1. What is Closure?

Closure: Closure is a special block, it may have 0 or more parameters, and can have return type. It's almost like a block in C or Object-C.
To simpler, you can see the following declaration, can you guest its meaning?
Above declaration can be explained in this illustration below:
This is a syntax to declare variables with the data type, and assign values to variables that you are familiar:
import Foundation

// Declare the variable myVar1, with data type, and assign value.
var myVar1 : () -> () =  { 
    print("Hello from Closure 1");
// Declare the variable myVar2, with data types, and assign value.
var myVar2 : () -> (String)  = { () -> (String) in 
    return "Hello from Closure 2" 
// Declare the variable myVar3, with data types, and assign value.
var myVar3 : (Int, Int) -> (Int)  =  { (a : Int, b: Int) -> (Int) in 
    var c : Int =  a + b 
    return c
func test_closure()     { 
    // Execute Closure.
    // Execute Closure, and get returns value.
    var str2 = myVar2() 
    // Execute closure, pass parameters
    // and get returns value.
    var c: Int =  myVar3(11, 22) 
Closure is the block, there may be parameters, and can have the return type:
Syntax of Closure:
{  (parameters) -> returntype in
     // statements

2. Function vs Closure

function is a special case of Closure.function is Closure named or can be said Closure is a anonymous function.

3. Anonymous Closure

When declaring Closure, you may not need to write the name of the parameters, the parameters can be referenced through $0, $1, ...
import Foundation

// Declare a Closure in the usual way.
var myClosure : (String, String) -> String 
    = { (firstName: String, lastName: String) -> String in  
        return firstName + " " + lastName
// Declare a Closure in the anonymous way.
// (Ignore parameter names).
var anonymousClosure : (String, String) -> String 
    = {
        // Using
        // $0: For first parameter
        // $1: For second parameter.
        return $0 + " " + $1
Note: $0, $1, ... are the anonymous parameters, they are only used in the anonymous Closure, if used in the common Closure you will get an error message:
Anonymous closure arguments cannot be used inside a closure that has explicit arguments
For example, the anonymous Closure (2)
import Foundation 

func test_anonymousClosure()  { 
    // Declare a variable type of Closure.
    var mySum : ( Int, Int ) -> (Int)
    // Assign a anonymous closure.
    // $0: For first parameter.
    // $1: For second parameter.
    mySum =  {
        return $0 + $1
    var value = mySum(1, 2) 

4. Implicit Return Values

If the content of Calosure have an single expression, you can omit the return keyword.
import Foundation

// This is a closure whose content only has a single expression
var closureWithReturn  =  { (a: Int, b: Int) -> Int in 
    // A single expression.
    return a + b 
// Can omit the 'return' keyword.
var closureWithoutReturn =  { (a: Int, b: Int) -> Int in 
    // If only a single expression.
    // Omit 'return' keyword.
    a + b 

5. Closure in a function

  • TODO