Introduction to Spring Cloud
1. Spring Cloud Overview
Spring is a platform built for developing web applications in the Java language. It was first introduced in 2004. In 2006, sub-projects appeared. Each sub-project focuses on a different field. Till now, you can see the sub-projects listed as the following illustration.

Spring IO (Spring Integration Objects) is the name used for the family of sub-projects of the Spring. It is considered as an umbrella and sub-projects are located below such umbrella.
Spring Cloud is a sub-project located in the Spring IO Umbrella and it itself is an umbrella, a sub-umbrella.

Below is the list of sub-projects and patterns in the Spring Cloud:

3. Spring Cloud Dependencies
All Spring Cloud projects should be created by the Spring Boot because the Spring Boot is created to help to be easier for developers to build the projects using the Spring Framework. It will be very difficult if you want to develop the core Spring Framework- based Spring Cloud application.
So to create a Spring Cloud application you need to create a Spring Boot project. And declare the required dependencies.
Declare Spring Boot Parent:
** Spring Boot Parent **
<!-- -->
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- -->
Declare dependencies:
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
Spring Cloud Tutorials
- What is Cloud Computing?
- Introduction to Netflix and its cloud computing technology
- Introduction to Spring Cloud
- Understanding Spring Cloud Config Server with Example
- Understanding Spring Cloud Config Client with Example
- Understanding Spring Cloud Eureka Server with Example
- Understanding Spring Cloud Discovery Eureka Client with Example
- Undertanding load balancing in Spring Cloud with Ribbon and example
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