
Install Oracle JDeveloper 12c on Windows

  1. Download Jdeveloper 12c
  2. Requirements
  3. Installing JDeveloper
  4. Running JDeveloper

1. Download Jdeveloper 12c

Note: In order to download it, you must log in an Oracle account, if you do not have the account, you can register it for free.
You download 2 files (Disk 1 and disk 2 respectively) in which disk 1 is a exe file and the other is a zip file.
Unzip file:

2. Requirements

JDeveloper is an IDE to develop Java applications according to Oracle technology. In order to set up JDeveloper 12c, you must be sure that your computer has Java >=7 installed. If not, you can see the installation guide here:

3. Installing JDeveloper

Select a location to install, such as:
  • E:\DevPrograms\JDeveloper12c
When the installation is completed, you need to press "Finish" in order to finish and open JDeveloper for the first run.

4. Running JDeveloper

In the first run, JDeveloper asks you to select roles, let's select All Features.
The image of JDeveloper in the first run.