
Configure HSQLDB DataSource using Data Source Explorer

  1. Database
  2. Download JDBC Driver for HSQL DB
  3. Configure to view DB on Eclipse
  4. Query data on Eclipse

1. Database

In this document, I will guide you to configuration to see HSQLDB on Eclipse . This means that Eclipse is considered as a visualization tool to display the DB structure, see the table ... in an visual way.
HSQLDB is a simple database, written in Java. A type of relational database like MySQL, Oracle, SQLServer.
First make sure you have HSQLDB, and you have to run it.
If not, you need to:
Download software HSQLDB (~ 8MB) + Create an example DB simplehr + Run HSQLDB Server.

2. Download JDBC Driver for HSQL DB

3. Configure to view DB on Eclipse

In Eclipse, select:
  • File/New/Others..
Error notification, the JDBC driver library is not found for this type of database (HSQL DB)
Declare the path to the jar file you just downloaded.
  • Database: simplehr
  • Database location: hsql://localhost:9001/
  • User name: sa
  • Password:
Click "Test Connection" to test connection.
You can see the structure of the database simplehr, see the PUBLIC schema.

4. Query data on Eclipse

Results seen in Eclipse:
Open SQL window:
Query results: